14-3-2025: Weather is partly cloudy over the Andaman Sea and South Bay, a few cloud over the Central Bay and generally fair over the North Bay of Bengal.

Significant Weather Condition

Significant Weather Condition

(Issued (14:00) hrs MST on 23- 8-2017)

According to the observations at (13:30)hrs M. S. T today, Typhoon “Hato” over the South China Sea is crossing to the Southern Coast of China.

Due to the remant of Typhoon “Hato” rain or thundershowers will be widespread in Naypyitaw, Sagaing and Mandalay Regions, Kachin and Shan States with likelihood of regionally heavy falls and strong wind during next (72)hrs commencing evening today. 

Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (30) m.p.h.

Advisory for the people that living near high land areas, small rivers and streams to avoid landslide and suddenly rise the river level and also thunderstroms with strong wind near the coastal areas.