The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) held its session in 2012 (SAC2012) from 22 to 24 November 2012 in Hotel Yangon, Yangon, Myanmar. The session was organized by the Secretariat and the Network Center (NC) for the EANET and host by the Government of Myanmar.
The session was attended about (50) persons by the members of SAC and the o ther nominated persons from the participating countries of the EANET, namely; Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam as well as the Secretariat and the NC . The Session was also att ended by the expert from Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Norway. Major points of the discussion included :
- It was clarified by the Secretariat that expected contributions from the participating countries have been calculated b ased on the propos ed budget for each year and UN - scale burden sharing percentage.
- The NC informed that the NC core budget was estimated based on the Medium Term Plan (MTP) for the EANET (2011 - 2015) adopted at the IG12 in 2010 and the Procedure and Guidelines for Voluntary Financial Contribution to the EANET (2011 - 2013) adopted at the IG12, and 3 - year average was used without any changes for 3 years.
- It was introduced that the “ Procedures for Establishing Task Forces and Expert Groups under the Scientific Advisory Committee of the EANET ” adopted at the Tenth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting (IG10) in 2008 will be included in the “ Draft Revised Guidelines on Administrative and Financial Management for the Secretariat and the Network Center ” to be submitted to the IG20 12.
- The NC informed that the raw data of the EANET monitoring for each year can only be downloaded from the special website upon the request from researchers.