16-2-2025:Weather is partly cloudy over the South Andaman Sea and South Bay, a few cloud over the North Andaman Sea and generally fair elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.


10 Days water level forecast

Water level forecast for Second Dekad of April 2021

(Issued on 11-4-2021)

The water levels may rise above the present water level by about (1-2½) feet at Myitkyina, Bhamo, Shwegu, Katha, Thabeikkyin, Mandalay, Sagaing and Myinmu, and about (½-1) foot at Pakokku, Nyaung Oo, Chauk, Minbu, Magway, Aunglan, Pyay, Seiktha, Hinthada and Zalun of Ayeyarwady River.

The water levels may rise above the present water level by about (½-1) foot at Hkamti, Homalin, Phaungpyin, Mawlaik and  Kalewa, and may fall below the present water level by about (½) foot at Minkin, Kani and Monywa of Chindwin River.

The water levels may rise above the present water level by about (½) foot at Kalay of Myittha River, about (½-1½) feet at  Hsipaw, Shwesaryan and Myitnge of Dokhtawady River, about (½) foot at Taungoo and Madauk of Sittaung River, about (½) foot at Shwegyin of Shwegyin River, about  (½-2) feet at Zaungtu and Bago of Bago River, about (½-) feet at Hpasawng and Hpaan of Thanlwin River, about (½) foot at Myawaddy of Thaungyin River,  about  (½-1½) feet at Ngathaing Chaung,  Thabaung and Pathein of  Ngawun River, about () feet at Maubin of Toe River, about (½-1) foot at  Paletwa and Kyauktaw of  Kaletan  River, about (1½) feet at Myauk U of  Laymyo River and about (1½) feet at Bilin of Bilin River.