18-2-2025:Weather is partly cloudy to cloudy over the Andaman Sea and South Bay, generally fair elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.
Cyclone Warning
Low Pressure Area warning (No.05/2020)
Sat, 09/19/2020 - 15:00
Low Pressure Area warning (No.05/2020)
Issued at (14:00) hours M.S.T on 19- 9-2020
According to the observations at (12:30) hrs MST today, the Land Depression over Thailand has weaken into a low...
Tropical Storm “NOUL” warning (No.04/2020)
Sat, 09/19/2020 - 07:45
Land Depression warning (No.04/2020)
Issued at (07:00) hours M.S.T on 19- 9-2020
According to the observations at (05:30) hrs MST today, the tropical storm
over Thailand has weaken into a land...
Tropical Storm “NOUL” warning (No.03/2020)
Fri, 09/18/2020 - 19:00
Tropical Storm “NOUL” warning (No.03/2020)
Issued at (19:00) hours M.S.T on 18- 9-2020
According to the observations at (17:30) hrs MST today, the tropical storm
“NOUL” has crossed over Laos and now...
Tropical Storm “NOUL”warning (No.02/2020)
Fri, 09/18/2020 - 14:45
Tropical Storm “NOUL”warning (No.02/2020)
Issued at (14:00) hours M.S.T on 18- 9-2020
According to the observations at (12:30) hrs MST today, the tropical
storm “NOUL” over the South China Sea has...
Tropical Storm “NOUL” warning (No.01/2020)
Fri, 09/18/2020 - 07:30
Tropical Storm “NOUL” warning (No.01/2020)
Issued at (07:00) hours M.S.T on 18- 9-2020
According to the observations at (05:30) hrs MST today, the tropical storm “NOUL” over the South China...